today is sunday and i went back camp to conduct ippt.... haha... guess who came to take the test?!
lim tong hai!!!!!! yeah yeah... "so wat!?" many ya'll might say.... but think again... meeting my childhood hero who slogged on the pitch for singapore during the malaysia cup years is totally different... he may not compare to maldini or even ferdinand... but he's still up there in me and my frens' mind...
we got him to sign a ball too!!!! he was so nice... and he looks kinda shy too, yet appreciative... dun think nowadays the singapore players are so nice... haha
anyways... after that, i went to play my usual sunday football.
its been awhile since i played with my old frens, but as usual we played with our hearts and brains.... and as usual, i tormented them inside out with tricks and turns!!! hahaha~ too bad the game last a short while.. the sun was getting hot.
and i was getting heat cramps in my calves... nevertheless, i enjoyed the game!
23:24 Saturday, February 28, 2004
alrite... finally i've got something up... i dunnoe wats a blog really for... but sometimes, somethings that are kept within will drive one crazy... especially for me... and those who cannot voice anger out easily...
so there... anyone reading this gotta tolerate some profanities...
and be sure i'll try to keep my "life story" interesting to read... at least, i hope so...
hope ya'll make Scholesy's pass as one of the roads that ya'll use... and hopefully it'll get ya'll thinkin'
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