YESsss.... Guess what? Exams are over!! Haha... Kinda duh now since it's been a couple of days since my last paper but I haven't had time till now to write an entry. So... YESsss! It has been a tough and disappointing semester with tears and all but I'm glad to know really some great footballers here and to share the same goal of winning the IH football champion by the end of next month. (Even though I seriously doubt this team's ability. Lots of individual players, no teamwork.)
After my last paper I had a quick game of football at the NTU SRC before proceeding with friends to cineleisure for "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". If my memory didn't fail me, it has got to be my first Harry Potter movie. The show wasn't that bad even though those who read the book felt that there were many missing parts to the movie. But the point is many would be shocked at the fact that two days back was my first Harry Potter movie.
Hell, everyone is becoming a victim of consumerism. This stupid country is too rich for it's good and it is worse being a country that lacks a distinct culture of its own. We now turn to mundane things like catching a movie and clubbing to while our time (and money) away instead of having some time out hanging around with neighbours and baking cakes or just lazing out in the garden trimming the plants and flowers. We now pay the Bangladeshi to help us keep our surroundings picturesque. Shouldn't we find peace in trimming plants, watching fish, and listening to the birds chirp?
That night brought me to realise that the Christmas lights are (have been) up in Orchard Road. Goodness knows how long I've been to town but the lights are there for show and to "bring out the Christmas spirit". And then they have this annual competition as to which building puts out the most beautiful decorations. I'd bet my toenails the manager of the winning decorations will come up with an answer that goes something like "Oh we just wanted to save costs by using recycled materials and hopefully bring out the Christmas spirit."
By then I would have laughed my head off because firstly, we all know that used cans that are used to make decorations are pretty much new ones that the workers open up to drink before installing the empty cans into their work of art. Just ask the NUS students involved in "Rag". The poor souls downed endless cans of coffee just for the empty cans to make their masterpiece. Secondly, "bringing out the Christmas spirit" just doesn't sound right. Maybe "unleashing the shopping spitfires" sounds better. A picture of the merciless aunties, rich tai tais and giggly school girls carrying bags of god-knows-what, beaming from ear to ear with their purchases comes to mind. And I don't think the young 50-cent - Usher - 5566 - F4s are spared from this period of consumerism.
I went to Sitex Exhibition earlier today just to get out of my house. There was this particular small exhibition area where they sell accesories to the gadgets thay people will buy. I saw iPod nano, iPod mini and iPod holders, all assorted colours and lots of them. I returned home and check out the comics and saw Paige's iPod Christmas wishlist. I remembered a few weeks back I see people gushing about iPod nano on their MSN nicks. Then my Dad says he is thinking of getting an iPod. Bloody shit. Seems like nobody is spared from consumerism.
Sad to see many of us being victims of our lifestyle. Shouldn't one be happy with what he has? Why do people buy the Evo or WRX when in Singapore you'd probably never enjoy it's top speed? I also wonder why there is such a thing as a Ferrari laptop produced by Acer, and is also on the FHM BIG.BOYZ.TOYZ list. I also see stuff like the Drink-O-Matic, which is basically a fridge that can only store 6 cans of drinks, making into the list. Damn the Drink-O-Matic costs 450 bucks!
I have a faulty moniter and until the time it totally conks out on me, I shall refuse to buy a new one. I shall not fall victim to consumerism!!!
Then again, the new Adidas Predator Absolute looks really nice for a Christmas present....
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