...stay up late to sing ktv even when you are sick.
...try to sing Jacky Cheung when you have a bad cough.
...wake up the next morning at 9 plus to meet friends for football after staying up late.
...cycle down to the meeting place hurriedly thinking you're late, but in fact, almost everyone else is later than you.
...play football when you're sick
... sprain your ankle during the last football game of the year.
...sprain the same ankle 3 times in a year.
... celebrate the New Year by staying home with a sprained ankle.
But, it is always nice to know you have friends that you can always count on. Special thanks to Junming for the outing, to Raymond for organising the football, to Bruce for providing the ball, to Chenchun for sending me back and the ointment, and the rest who've helped me some way or other.
It hasn't been the best of years. Academic results improve but there's more room for improvement. Poor injury management in the sports front though. Plus the disappointing loss in IBG football and a very bad showing for IHG football.
The year ends in another 7 hours. Hopefully I shake ALL my injury problems away in the new year.
Happy New Year my dear readers, and may everyone enjoy a successful and enjoyable 2006.
11:52 Friday, December 30, 2005
____X Japan's Art Of Life
When I had to leave Wilson's place early while the rest were probably spending a hell of a time watching football on Boxing Day night, I was feeling a tinge of regret. Something in me asked me "Where do your priorities lie?". I shrugged off the thought and cycled at top speed all the way home. The cool early morning air took over as I tried to enjoy the breeze as much as possible.
Lack of sleep that night, lack of water the next day during the hockey game, lack of sleep the night following that and I swiftly fell ill. The warning signs were there and on Thursday, I tried to drink as much as possible but to no avail. So here I am at home, having seen the doctor and listening to the best music in the world (or at least I've heard so far), still pondering about the outcome of the NPCC outing that I will be having later. I'm not really keen to meet up already - besides the fact that I'm not feeling well, how to have a good outing if you know that there wouldn't be a decent conversation? _______________________________________________
I had a short of conversation a week or so back when I was told Jay Chou's "Feng" is the best song ever written. Almost instantaneously, I thought sarcastically, "Yeah and when the next Jay Chou album comes out in the market, there's going to be a new best song ever written." If I were still living the time when I was just into my first year in the army, I would have said the best song in the world is "An Jing" also by Jay Chou. My stand now? The best song ever written would be "Art Of Life". The song is so good, it overcomes the test of time.
A couple of days ago, Me: X Japan makes one of the best music in the world. Best band in the world.
Seehiong: Luna Sea fans would say Luna Sea makes the best music in the world, X Japan fans would say X Japan makes the best music in the world.
Lianshi: X Japan sucks.
Me (indignantly): X Japan incorporates the use of the piano in their rock tracks and that this is rarely seen in the music industry.
Seehiong: No, no. Luna Sea also uses the piano. In fact, X Japan copied Luna Sea in making the same type of music because Luna Sea came out first.
Me: .....
Disgusted, I went into iTunes yesterday to check out some Luna Sea tracks. I would say their songs are pretty unique which focused on Ryuichi's melo-dreamy vocals and some really good arrangement. But the music was nowhere near X Japan's and I don't think I remember hearing any piano. Then I went to search the internet for some information and I wouldn't deny that Luna Sea is quite a good band but.....
Luna Sea formed in 1986. X Japan formed in 1982. Luna Sea completed in 1989. X Japan completed in 1987. Luna Sea's first album in 1991. X Japan's first album in 1988.
The biggest irony of all is that Yoshiki (X Japan) founded his own record label "Extasy Records", while Luna Sea's first album was recorded by none other than.... Extasy Records.
In 1993, X Japan released the astonishing 29 minutes opus - "Art Of Life" (http://www.yoshikinet.com. Yoshiki hit his creative peak in that year as I have never heard a band writting a 29 minute piece. I listen to it everyday and when my time on Earth is up, I want it played during my funeral along with "The Last Song".
Art Of Life starts off with Yoshiki playing a melodious tune on the piano that is slowly rising in volume, giving the listener an expectant feeling such that it seems like a story is about to be told. Toshi's voice soon comes in singing a song with lyrics that basically doesn't make sense as with many other X Japan songs. However, there is this particular line that really seems to conclude everything I feel about living - if it's a dream, now wake me up. if it's all real, just kill me.
After a short span of peace and serenity, the song kicks off in a pulsating beat where the rest of the band gets into action and Yoshiki drumming his heart out. Into the tenth minute of the piece, the guitar solo-ing comes in, reflecting the rage and frustration of the song. The solo-ing slowly changes the mood into a new determination to "dry my tears, wipe my bloody face".
As I'm carried along with the song, the equivocation between the will to fight against fate and then surrendering in despair continues. Like every fight, exhaution sets in and the song turns seamlessly into a classical piece as Yoshiki plays a repetition of a distinct tune. In the live performance of the song, there is the trademark "hammering of the keys of the piano" by Yoshiki just like how he always manages to portray his feelings into the music he plays.
For around 10 minutes, the classical tune goes on and on before the song ends in an orgasmic high of more guitars, drums and Toshi vowing never to stop fighting - "never wanting to breathe his last".
Like how instinct drives wolves and dogs to howl in the night, like how I feel a sudden rush of panic and despair, like how everyone else yearns to find the purpose of their existence, to me, Art Of Life tells of a never-ending search for the truth - the relentless quest for the art of life.
01:03 Friday, December 23, 2005
____Wish Upon A Star
Like how France crashed out of the 2002 World Cup in Round 1 group stages, Hall One failed to live up to the hype and expectations after succumbing to a 1-0 defeat, banishing them to another year of disappointment. We were eliminated from the competition much to the glee of some of our closest rivals by an unjust offside goal. Despicable linesman decision left us rueing our missed chances.
Personally, I have yet to swallow the shock, disappointment and disbelief. I remembered promising myself a year ago to win it back. Instead, for three matches, I didn't get a chance to step onto the field. Questions will be asked, answers will be challenged, but ultimately winning is about the team that shows more desire to win (I always felt that maybe I could have worked hard enough). I will dry my tears, move on and try harder next year. ______________________________________________
It hasn't been the best day of my life today and I'm really glad it's coming to an end. Football disappointment, losing even in computer games and the stress from subject registration - it just wasn't the best day to step into Orchard Road. The freaking ant nest syndrome was there for me to see - everyone looked like emotionless ants, I felt so cooped up and trapped in a cycle that I so wanted to break free.
Then this Christmas period is really getting me irritated. Gift buying, romantic extravagance, commercials, parties - it really seems like people become foolish during this time of the year. Yesterday night I was "lucky" to be part of this family of friends who decided to have a sort of Christmas gathering (eating out and everything). Sounds fine to me even up to the part about group gift exchange. We bought our gifts in a rush. In fact, it was a little last minute. The shitty part comes when upon receiving their exchanged gifts, some were complaining about the sincerity of the gift.
I find that so paradoxical - how would the buyer of the gift know who his/her gift will end up with? Group gift exchange is almost a lottery thing, good present, bad present, or even a good present which you have no use for, will have to be accepted graciously. If everyone starts to get whiny over such stuff, why bother buying the gifts then? Why not just spend your own money on whatever you want? No point wishing to get a diamond necklace if what you bought for others is a soft toy.
Next time round, count me out of group gift exchanges. Thanks.
Upon reaching home just now, I was suddenly realising how brainwashed I was by actually admiring the freakin' Celestial diamond by Goldheart. I have to admit that it wasn't really the diamond but the lifestyle that the commercial aims to bring forth to their target customers - a life of carefree attitude, driving in a open top cabriolet and admiring the night sky. Too far-fetched. Same goes for condominium, credit card and a whole lot of other commercials. The target is to tempt the weak into living a life they cannot afford. tell me when anything comes true... "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is a technically simple book that doesn't teach stockbroking skills but it really brings forth a very important concept of living within your means and slowly generate rolling money instead of endlessly chasing a wanted lifestyle. However, over the years of poor financial education, so many people have fallen into the trap of consumerism. And it will be a long while before people realise how much harm is done to them by just absorbing information without evaluating what they absorbed.
Without digressing furthur, it's still all down to keeping a clear head when it comes to festive seasons such as Christmas, Valentine's Day and even Chinese New Year. Buy what you need and not what you think makes a good gift, especially when prices are marked-up to incredulous levels. Never compare yourselves with the wealthy. Some people have everything easy. "I want, I reach out my hand, I get" attitude just doesn't work. Buying expensive gifts is not the way to maintain a friendship/relationship.
Go easy and be level-headed. Because if there is such a thing as wishing for it and not working for it, Hall One wouldn't have crashed out of the competition...
21:54 Sunday, December 11, 2005
____To Friendship, Success and Helluva Good Time
Hall 1 lost against Hall 4 1-0. We were unlucky. I had no part in the game again. This time was benched. Well, not so frustrated now after speaking to some people. But of course, the urge to play will always be there - which is why I'm tired out now after having a hell of a game at Parry just now. A Zidane-like turn followed by a superb through pass saw my teammate latch onto the ball and finishing the move with much aplomb. What made me shiok was the way everyone else *GASPED* when I did the move. Hahahaha! Shoik!!
Some friends leave a lasting positive impression. Another birthday party this December made me ever more impressed by Wilson. The way he treats his friends, rally the people around him, inspires others to greater heights will always live on in me. To me, the party was like a report card as to how he spent his "idle" half-year.
From being a loser student, NS clerk, lousy footballer, exciting team player, great motivator, he has become one who hasn't spent the last two years in vain. I'm very proud to be part of his life just like the way he felt that everyone around him was special in building the person that he is. The courage to take out the guitar and display his limited skills, the efforts made to make everyone feel part of the party (especially the performance of "Amethyst"on his electone) was outstanding.
The speech was spoken with much conviction. "Success" was said with so much determination and hunger. I had to fight back tears.
To me, he is a great friend to everyone. Sometimes, I wonder who is a great friend to him... Nonetheless, I wish him the best as he begins a new life in NZ.
Wilson is one of those who truly knows the Art of Life.
11:56 Monday, December 05, 2005
Hall One came up tops against Hall 12, thrashing the opponents 4-0. We had a couple of shots that hit the post, and also a few more ruled out for offside. It was a good game.
But, I didn't take part in the game at all. Well, except for being used as linesman. Again.
Why do I even bother looking forward?
Disgruntled. Maybe I belong to Parry.
01:40 Sunday, December 04, 2005
I found warmth today. Yet, contrary to what the title of this entry suggests, I'm still far from finding the peace that has been so elusive to the madness and equivocation within me.
I woke up today feeling weary, keeping in mind that I had to meet Wilson, Weng and Bruce for lunch. By the time I got on my feet, I knew I was going to be real late.
"Heck," I told myself. "That Wilson late for Parry the last time round also, give him a taste of his own medicine."
At the back of my head was this bugging thing that I had to get a present for my cousin' s birthday. Sounds simple. But to me, it's a damn bloody taxing task. Lots of factors comes in. I thought about "usable stuff" and maybe she has her own. I thought about clothes and fashion but I immediately cancel out the idea because I suck in fashion anyways.
Wilson-the-Idea-Man, suggested a book. Bruce-the-Lotsa-Comments-Man was having a low performance day by his standards. I was the No-Idea-Man, having no idea at all. (Actually I thought buying a book was just like a 'process' - the sort of 'going through the motion' and 'can't be bothered attitude'.) But then Wilson mentioned something that I thought was quite meaningful - "true that if you buy a book as a gift, it's so forgettable... but if you buy a gd book as a gift, the person will reminisce in the future and say 'oh this book I recommend to you coz I got it as a gift from so-and-so... it's a gd book'".
Convinced, I bought it.
I trust Wilson's judgement. He wasn't wrong about X Japan. Wilson-the-Braggart will also go on and on about his other judgements such as Troy, Matrix, many other books... He would go "Look Bruce, the only thing I was wrong about was this show called Big Fish... And you thought it was good."
Hahaha.. But I trust Wilson-the-Good-Judge. Hahaha...
The weariness grew on that day and the physically weak immune system of mine fell prey to the irritating cold again. I went home to rest before setting off for my cousin's place. But I didn't have a good rest. I was hot and cold at the same time. I took 1 pill. I took another. I left the house feeling the same, if not worse. My nose was a dripping tap. (It was a waterfall actually).
I felt lethargic and was finding it a chore. But in the end, it turned out to be a good experience. The chat with my another cousin who went overseas was enriching. The warmth I see within my cousin's family was refreshing. I also thought about how the warmth in a family can spread to the friends too, when I saw my cousin hug her good friend when she was presented with a bouquet of flowers.
I'm a lukewarm person. I hardly show warmth. Not that I don't care, it's just that maybe I wasn't brought up in an expressive environment. My biggest flaw is not showing that I care when I do.
7 hours later, the iron body succumbed to defeat. The drug overdose has kicked in. I'm now tranquilised...
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