Examinations are a happy period where I can get to know my friends better by forming groups to study together. Sometimes I can't help but enjoy this period of time and it all started with last semester studying together with Tomio, Junwei, Rushan and gang.
This time round the group changed, the numbers got bigger, but I still enjoy the presense of others as much. Plus this time round, I get to know more interesting people, such as Frankie. Dumbass of a commando.
Of course, there are some people who don't really leave a good impression. And last night justifies my opinion about how fucked up you are. I am quite patient with inconsideration but this time round, I just feel like exploding.
No. Don't tell me to talk about it. I don't want to. Because I'm afraid of the expletives that I spew. And no. I'm not afraid to hurt you with my expletives. I'm afraid I lose again because you cry.
03:10 Friday, April 14, 2006
____Crunch Time
Alright, it's 3 days to my first paper. Been doing quite a lot of studying lately but somehow, I seem to feel that I have not done enough. I have basically covered everything about MP2011 but I still don't know how to judge how much I actually know about it.
Damn tired lately. Exhausted to be exact. Having to go to bed with a headache and sore neck from all the studying. And then waking up the next day again to indulje in the sea of notes.
Plus, I don't if it is good or bad news to see that tiny speck out there in the sea. It's there at the horizon. But it's not moving. And I'm not getting anywhere near it too. Sigh. These things happen whenever exams happen.
Alright wish me luck as I go into battle. I will not lose!
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