I must say though that crashing out against Hall 6 again (this time in semi-finals) 0-2 earlier in January was disappointing. Those who were schooling with me must have noted my absence from lessons, preferring to while my time away, playing Dota and with the cats... Crashing out against Hall 6 2 yrs in a row is bad enough, but this time round it had more significance to me as I wanted to match the success of the basketball girls' team - which went on to become champions..
A year ago, the newborn group of friends that I was in, full of novelty, laughter, care and the sorts, was a group which I though would be together for a long time to come. Never did I thought but a friend's favourite quote "people always leave" seem to hold so true now. Things that happened in the past 4 days have been the final straw on the camel's back.
The group can carry on having fun or stabbing each others' backs (whichever they choose). But now that will have to do that without me. I think I have had enough. Everything is so superficial now with the group - when we meet, we laugh and look like best of friends. When we are alone we form small cliques and stab each other, then we meet to laugh again.
Some are just out to hurt - whether they are so smart to do it purposefully, or they are too dumb to never realise they actually did. In anycase, I am walking away.
Goodbye and till we meet again. Not.